
Every dollar you spend helps support your community.

We donate to your chosen charity or community group.

The most important difference with Aura, is our ability to make a difference. We help support your favourite charities and community groups by automatically directing a percentage of our profits to whoever you choose.


If you have a charity that’s close to your heart, or you’re an active member of one, we’d love to help you out. It’s free to join.
While you earn rewards, we reward those that deserve our help.

Every charity or community group spends valuable time trying to raise the funds they need. Aura can help make it easier with an ongoing stream of income. All thanks to your everyday spending.


Most community groups have members or supporters. A local kids football club, for instance, can have all the family and friends consistently raising money for the club. Many little ongoing donations can add up to a whole lot of sports equipment. It’s free to sign up your social club to receive Aura donations.
Aura Buy Invest Donate
As a charity, LifeChanger is experiencing the positive impact of this innovative platform which benefits the individual, the business and the community!!! Brilliant work!!
Scott Watters
CEO | FOUNDER of LifeChanger Foundation
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Ian Trust
Executive Chair at Wunan
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