The Story of Aura
Aura goes well beyond customer loyalty.
Troy Zafer has spent a lifetime in marketing with a keen interest in the power of building true loyalty between businesses and consumers. He was involved in one of the first mobile rewards programs for a major international telco brand with the launch of Orange Wednesdays, in London in the early 2000’s, when loyalty programs and mobile technology were just in their infancy.
Troy experienced the power and the potential of what happens when you incentivise and reward customers for their repeat business and he was fascinated by its success.
Over the next decade, Troy witnessed the rewards industry explode exponentially around the world… and he didn’t like what he saw. Big businesses and large shareholder-owned companies, holding customers to ransom with misleading loyalty or points schemes that were designed to benefit the company, not the consumer.
Most programs were riddled with hidden T’s & C’s like:
• Restrictive terms and conditions
• Expiry dates
• Loyalty points that depreciated in value at the company’s discretion
• Expiry dates
• Loyalty points that depreciated in value at the company’s discretion
Points programs, as they had now become known, were often pointless for many consumers.
In late December 2019, Troy had a lightbulb moment. What if he could turn customer loyalty on its head? Take the power out of the hands of big business and put real cash back into the pockets of everyday Australians.
He messaged his good mates, Adam Tegg and Lorenzo Lorefice, with his seed of an idea. They both loved it and together they took it two steps further.
Not just cash back, but give back and, finally, the opportunity to give everyday Aussies the chance to grow their wealth, many for the first time ever.
Aura was born!
Aura is Australia’s only truly independent loyalty program where members are rewarded with real cash back PLUS the choice of how they use it:
• Save or withdraw funds.
• Whilst additional money is donated by Aura to a charity or not-for-profit organisation of the Aura Member’s choice.
Aura is free to consumers and has already established major partnerships with over 1,200 household name brands such as Shell Reddy Express, and Virgin Australia.
On the donate side Aura is affiliated with dozens of not-for-profit organisations including Fight MND, LifeChanger and Lifeline.
Aura goes well beyond customer loyalty. This is a game changing start up, using smart tech, people power, and a strong sense of social justice to change the face of the loyalty and rewards industry forever.
Download the Aura app and start earning your cash back today.
Download the Aura app and start earning cash back today.